Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Golf Outing


As winter turns to spring, and our minds turn from hockey to golf, it has been suggested that we begin to coordinate a golf outing for interested GTCGPWC members.

To begin this process, please let me know WHERE  you are interested in playing (price range is an acceptable reply) and some potential dates.

I'm working on some swing changes, but will be ready to play shortly...


Monday, March 30, 2009

Cheating Hearts

I have been an outcast at my job in the WBL for a long time, actually the entire school year.  I finally have been deemed cool enough to be invited to a teacher poker gathering.  Now the thing about this group of teachers is that THEY ARE SERIOUS.  They go to Vegas once a year.  They don't like when you splash the pot.  They get really upset if you bet and you end up with shit.  And while the invite was cool, and the poker was mediocre, I realized a couple of things that make the GTCGWPC a great group:
1.  We are not douches
2.  Whiskey first, cards second
3.  A casual and comfortable atmosphere

I wish to extend my invitation to you all to join me at my new abode on April 10th, unless my uncle flies in from Luxembourg... in that case we'll move it back a week.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Early 90s nicknames.

I propose each member of GTCGPWC should be given a nickname. This nickname shall be drawn from an early 1990s-era NBA all-star.

An example ...

Before: Nick Dyer.
After his 90s-era NBA nickname: Nick "The Glide" Dyer

Therefore, all future references to Nick would be as "The Glide", as to maintain his anonymity outside of club circles.

Other examples ...

"Chief" Forrestal, in ref. to Robert Parish.
"Mugsy" Wang, because you never see him coming.
"The Mailman" Dvorak, because he always delivers.
"The Admiral" Ruekert, in ref. to David Robinson.
"The Reign Man" Prom, because his game goes from 0-Supersonic.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Or this...

Pretty MAJESTIC, don't you think?

Potential Gitsee logo design

This was a topic of great discussion last we met. This is what I envision. Just casting the first stone here, gents. Let me know what works, what doesn't. I know Tank was charged with crafting the logo, so maybe this will help/hinder her in that pursuit.

What font is that GTCGPWC in? Edwardian (Microsoft Paint).
Why a rattlesnake? It's a reference to my post-GTC karaoke/shitshow episode at Uptown Diner when I began belting Blitzentrapper's "Furr" at full volume, scaring the help. And I think it is in keeping with our club's overall outlook, demeanor.
Why Maker's? Cuz' it's a damn fine whiskey, thank you very much.
What's that lyric from? Again, stolen from Blitzentrapper's "Furr"

What say all of you?